New AIM MusicLink

UPDATE 6/9/08 11:00PM EST – The latest AIM MusicLink can be found at the home of AIM MusicLink. (

I finished up a new version of AIM MusicLink version last night based on feedback I was getting on the previous release. In version, I have added support for MediaMonkey, so AIM MusicLink now supports 7 different media players:

  • iTunes
  • WinAmp (version 5.5)
  • Windows MediaPlayer (version 10+)
  • Yahoo Jukebox
  • Real Player
  • Songbird (must manually install included extension)
  • MediaMonkey

I have also fixed a few bugs. First the situation of the first character being cut off. I had real trouble reproducing a case where I saw this, but I figured during streaming of music to WinAmp or Yahoo is where this would occur. In addition I fixed a problem where your status could be set to “[Buffering…” if you were listening to AIM Tunes songs in WinAmp. I also added an “About” screen via the new IAccCommand flag AccCommandFlag_AboutUi.

Here is the new about screen:

To access the preferences click the actions menu as shown and choose “AIM MusicLink Preferences”

Once you set the preferences you will start seeing your status and profile updated like this:

You can download the plugin here and as always I appreciate any feedback you guys have.

47 thoughts on “New AIM MusicLink

  1. i downloaded and installed the new update without a problem, but now it’s not working with iTunes and my version of AIM ( i tried re-installing but it still doesn’t work.

  2. Any way that we could get a way to not post what you are watching on these………….for those that might uhhh be watching things they dont want their friends to see…if you get the gist. 😉 Sort of how Windows LIVE Messenger detects only MUSIC files…

  3. OK, I am using iTunes version I will try testing with iTunes 7.5, it is completely possible that the API changed, but if so, shame on Apple, we would NEVER do that with Open AIM.

    //shameless plug

  4. another thing i woud like to add is i tried windows media player 11 and yahoo music jukebox and it still does not show what i am listening to either through the status message or profile.. very annoying

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  6. Windows Media Player 11
    AIM Musiclink 2.0.04

    Worked for the first song, showed the wrong song on the second song, and then failed afterwards.

  7. I agree with Steve D. I like putting stuff in front or after the song titles. 😮 or at least having a ♪ music sign so people that look at the status messages will get why it’s there. xD

  8. Cannot make this work with iTunes 7.5 as others are reporting… using latest version of AIM 6.5 and version of plugin found on this page.

  9. Same problem as Chillin. Any chance you’re working on this? 🙂 Also, does anyone know of any plugins that would be able to show what you’re watching from Windows Media Center similar to this plugin? I know this one does WMP but since I don’t really use that, it’s not what I’m looking for.

  10. I love that you’re keeping this type of thing alive (I have some perverse need to let the world know what I’m listening to), but I’ve got to go with J and Steve D: the best part about the old myPlaylist plugin was the fact that you could sneak that track title into your profile wherever and however you wanted to. %song let you place the thing and modify it with whatever font attributes you pleased. I think it’s great that it goes in your status when you’re not away, but seriously, we need more options than the obligatory size 14 black Arial tacked on at the end.
    Don’t get me wrong–I appreciate your work on this, but I’ve got to imagine that the code for that can’t be that complex, and I think it’d make a lot of people happy. I know it would for me.

    Seriously, though, thanks for once again enabling my bizarre musical exhibitionist fetish.

  11. …Also, when I change tracks while I’m away, the track title seems to preempt my away message, and the only way I can get it back is to come back from away and go away again.

  12. Alright, I have a REALLY big problem with Music Link in general, and your update hasn’t fixed it, but that’s not really of any blame:

    Every time I enable Music Link to show what Music I am playing on my status, it ALWAYS shows a song in my music library that is the same one and I am not playing. Heck, I don’t even have WMP 11 opened when this shows. I currently have AIM 6.5 and of your product, and after many un-installations of your product, the song continues to show unless I put on my away message or manually change my status.

    I am sorry to bother you with a problem I myself just may be having trouble with, and the nuisance of seeing another call for a plea for a fix.

    Thank you.

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  14. Works great for me! The only thing, and I don’t know if this can be fixed, is that is shows the songs I’m listening to in the iTunes Store as well .. those 30 second previews, you know? Maybe that can be taken away. Otherwise, great job!

  15. this plugin only works from your site… not on aims site… it took me forever to get it… i had to search for it and thats how i found you…

  16. I have noticed that the plugin won’t display songs on AIM while running TeamSpeak 2 (Application). Both cannot run at the same time. Is there a fix?

  17. Hey in the music file info, anything that has a (.) after it will only show up.
    For instance if the file info said Kanye West – Diamonds Ft. Sierra Leone

    Only Sierra Leone will show up in the status msg box. Is there anyway you can fix this?


  18. I am running Winamp v5.51 with AIM v6.5.7 and Im not getting anything displayed in my profile or status. Also tried Media Player and nothing was displaying.

  19. it’s showing up in my AIM plugins… but it is still not showing what song i’m listening to in my status or my profile. in the profile it just says I am currently listening to nothing, even when I am playing something. Is there something I need to set on my iTunes to make it work?

  20. I’m using iTunes version and AIM version and Music Link is stuck on one song.

    Also, is there a way to have it read only music coming from iTunes?

  21. I’m using WMP 11 and the newest version of AIM and MusicLink. I have all my settings right and the plugin is checked in both AIM and WMP, but it still doesn’t display in my buddy info, status, aways or anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  22. Same Thing Thats happening to sarah is happening to me..I made sure I restarted..I also made sure that my itunes is in the default folder (c:/program files/itunes) I’m running Aim and Itunes
    Someone Please Help me out. I would really appreciate it.

  23. I’m using AIM v6.5.9.1; AIM Music Link v.; and WMP v11.0
    It was working for me a couple of weeks ago, now nothing!? It just stopped.
    I’ve tried reinstalling Music Link, both from the AIM Plugin Site, as well as your version on here. Nothing is making it work. I went into the media player menu and noticed the plugin was unchecked for some reason… so I checked it back, then tried again… still nothing. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

  24. so i downloaded, installed, and set my preferences…and all im getting in my info is “i’m currently listening to nothing.”

    winamp 5.531

  25. whenever i pause my iTunes or exit out of it, the last thing i viewed on windows media video comes up in my status even though i havent viewed it in like a week. how do i get it so it wont come up?

  26. Is it possible to create a link to a song in iTunes through my away message? I don’t need it to be constantly changing as my current song changes, I just want a song link in my message.

  27. i have aim tunes and i can listen to whatever music i have, but the music i listen to isn’t showing up in my status message like my friends’ is. When i ask them what they did, they said nothing. So I’m wondering if there’s something i have to download or is it just my computer?

    • AIM Tunes is currently not supported for AIM MusicLink. I have been working with the developer of AIM Tunes, but there are some limitations with accessing the current song from within the browser window of AIM Tunes.

  28. ello people. i was wondering if there is an aim music link thing that shows the song first and the artist last…just like the mac’s ichat

  29. well i was wondering if there was anyway to get rid of the little music symbol in front of the song.
    it’s kind of annoying to me ha.
    so yeahhh lemme know if you can?

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