Soon after we launched AIM 6.5 we launched the AIM Dashboard. This web page is an aggregate view of your status messages and status messages of your buddies. It also displays an aggregate view of updates your buddies have made to things like Buddy Info, Pictures, even Flickr. When we launched Buddy Feeds last year the best way of viewing the buddy feed is by clicking on the buddy feed indicator on the buddy list. Now this web page will provide a clear and concise picture of things you and your buddies want to share with each other. Here is my AIM Dashboard where you can view what I have been up too. You can manage the Buddy Update settings and what your buddies can see about you, such as away message updates or status message update, by navigating to the settings page. If you are a user of AIM MusicLink the current song that gets stored as the status message is now kept in the history view of your Dashboard.
The journey to Tel Aviv is going well. One funny thing to share with you about the trip, on the way to Tel Aviv from Frankfurt, Germany, our Lufthansa plane had to restart the in-flight video system at our seats. Sure enough we saw the boot screen and the operating system for Lufthansa is Windows CE. Here is a picture of what we saw:
Wow, and it looks like they boot over a serial link!